Sites or web pages with content related to extrasolar planets

These are automatically searched and updated on a daily basis. The last number in every line is an indication of relevance. This site aims to have the most complete and most actual exoplanet news.

In some cases wrong topics are  included in these links. ( The parsing algorithm is continually improved. Parsing websites for content is a non-trivial task and has always a speed trade-off.  The count of webpages today goes to the billions. Since the webcrawler has a very low priority improvements will take a while...).  Links with non exoplanet content will get eliminated later by manual revision.


There is a certain supremacy of pages from western countries. This is due to the fact that the Exosites-Crawler is (at the moment) not able to scan non-latin character sets and non-european languages. This excludes greek, kyrillic, arab, hebrew and many asian languages. ( Since greek and kyrillic only do exchange some characters most likely these will get implemented next.) Sorry!


Links to pages with german content
